I will definitely share my birth story---but that is going to be a little while, i will need to gather my thoughts and a box of tissues first. lol. i can't even believe it was 3 1/2 months ago....it feels like just yesterday:(
Anywhos (let me stop thinking about it, because i get really teary eyed)
I definitely want to share with all you new Momma's (or soon to be) out there all the things that i absolutely LOVED and MUST HAVE before baby arrives...and some---not so much. I'm going to start slow, since we don't have much time together (aj is down for his first nap, so i must hurry)...
#1 on my list for babies born in the middle of the winter: Bundle me
Aj was born on December 15th (I live in NY so it gets pretty COLD out there, and even though this winter wasn't SO BAD, it was definitely on my TOP 5 list) I had registered for the "Bundle me" after reading great reviews online...and let me tell you---BEST INVENTION EVER. THIS HAS TO BE THE # 1 THING THAT I'VE USED EVERY SINGLE DAY...AND IT IS AWESOME! I really loved it!! And i would give it 6 stars if i could. I originally wanted the white one---but i guess they must've been out of stock when it was purchased, so my friend got me the black/grey urban one instead (the main difference between the Urban and the regular bundle me is the material/ the urban has a quilted outer nylon that protects against wind and rain ---which was better since it's technically *waterproof*---AKA---easy to wipe---after i realized how messy babies are (my baby vomits after EVERY FEEDING---and yes, i thought this was an issue, but he's gaining weight and my ped said that it is normal---).
#2 Medela Breast pump
I can't say i know much about other breast pumps, but i can say i used this one, and it's worked for me. I definitely think that if you plan on breast feeding and returning to work (i have so much to say on this topic, but i'll save it for another post) you should invest in a good pump BEFORE your baby arrives. I say this because since the day he was born, i've been pumping and saving. If you don't really have much money, i would definitely try to find a used one on craigslist. Once you understand the concept of the pump, you wont think it's as gross as i originally thought. The pump itself does not come in contact with any bodily fluids...and all the extra pieces can be purchased separately...and you can get them on Amazon for a lot cheaper than BabiesRus. I have my original pump, and a good friend of mine gave me her pump she used when she was pumping so i can use it as backup. I keep one at work, and one at home. Obviously, it would be too expensive if you purchase 2 pumps (they cost $250+), so that is why i say if you must use craigslist (or if someone you know has a used one) to purchase a pump---i highly recommend it. I have the tote, and i have the backpack. I keep the backpack at work (it's smaller) and i keep the tote near my nightstand (for nightly pumping). I was traveling back and forth with the backpack at first, but it was just too much---between carrying my lunch, my purse and my pump, i felt like i was going on vacation every single morning! A pump is a MUST HAVE...and Medela has my vote for the best pump. If i had to choose between the tote and the backpack, i'd say the tote. The backpack is great---compact and small...but you don't have much room for anything other than the pieces and the bottles...so if you want to consolidate to one bag---it's too small to hold anything else. The tote is nice and roomy-and you can keep a nursing cover, extra batteries, and your wallet...so you wont have to carry your own bag...and it's stylish enough to pass as a purse (it's NO Michael Korrs, but hey!).
Before baby arrived I did a Costco run to get some things for the house. Not sure if all of you have costco's near by---but i signed up to receive coupons in the mail. You get a coupon book once a month for a few dollars off a bunch of things-nothing serious. That week (week before Aj was born) I did realize that they had the box of HUGGIES wipes that has 1120 wipes for only $25....and on top that off---i had a $5.00 coupon valid for that week (it's still really cheap for $25....online it's $35). I decided to buy...and i'm NOT dissapointed. I just recently finished the last box, and Aj is already 3 1/2 months old. ANd let me tell you---bf babies POOP... A LOT....
As a newborn, he pooped after every feeding. Now, 2 times a day. These wipes are awesome because they are thick enough for really messy diapers!
#4 Cloth Diapers.
I am not a cloth diaper mom, although sometimes i do wish i was. I work full time and hubby watches the baby 2 days of the week---so cloth diapers and daddy were not going to work out. I know if i would've been a SAHM i might've gone cloth...but again, i'm not.
So, here is the thing, my baby vomits. He VOMITS a lot. My mother in law purchased 2 packs of these, and let me tell you---they are awesome!!!! I use them as burp clothes...and i pretty much use the ALL THE TIME...ALL DAY LONG. They wash up nice...and they are so cheap and awesome. Again, 6 stars....if your baby vomits like mine! :)
#5 Last (but by far, definitely NOT LEAST!) *REST*
Ok, yea, i know you've heard this before..."get lots of sleep before the baby arrives! Once he is here, you'll never sleep again"...yea---well that my friends...IS A FACT. The first few days he was home---i felt like we were playing house. We didn't mind getting up in the middle of the night. In fact, both of us would get up...and BOTH take care of him-which is awesome. After about 2 weeks...the fun was over! For some reason, it's not so cute anymore! LOL
I was put on bedrest my last week of pregnancy(more on that later), so i was home. I DID NOT WANT TO STAY HOME---EVERYTHING WAS DONE...IT WAS SO ANNOYING. However...that week was nice. I was able to sit in his room, look around---and dream of him. The excitement was just too much...i just wanted to hold him! If you are a working Mama, and you want to work until the last day (like i did), one thing i don't regret was having that last week to myself. It was nice, being alone...and relaxing...i would advise anyone who wants to wait till the last day---to take a few days before the due date...and just---chill out and rest and relax....because your life is about to get ROCKED! :) in a good way,of course.
Hope this list helps you girls! What are your TOP 5??? I'm curious.
Using cloth diapers as burp cloths is just a genious idea! I'm going to go out tomorrow and get some.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that Im able to take some time off for these last few days before baby comes. I'm taking the time to do things for myself, but can't seem to sleep in since I'm just so excited for baby girls arrival.
The cloth diapers were the best!!! I mean, I think my MIL purchased them at Walmart and spent like $9 for a 12 pack. I absolutely LOVED them!!! And yes, take those days and relax...once she is here, you wont have much "YOU" time...and although you'll be head over heels in love with your new addition---it's nice to have a few days to have this soak in. I'm so excited for you and cant wait till you hold your LO in your arms!!!