Aj is doing so much. He's standing, eating, cruising (across furniture), crawling, talking, screaming, laughing, clapping...oh man, the past month in a half, he's really doing SO MUCH...and i'm a little sad. Sad that he's changing SO FAST...and i hope i am doing a good job to capture as much of this year as i can...it's just hard, being a working mommy...and trying to balance work, mommy, AND wife! Lots on my plate.
If any of you ladies are reading this-and your baby is less than 8 months, i would highly recommend you lower your crib, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If your baby is around 5 months...i would do it, even if they aren't sitting up yet...because before you know it...your baby will be standing...and it's scary!
I really didn't think having a video monitor was a such a big deal- i mean, i liked having one...but Aj didn't move...so every time i would look at it, he would be in the same position----all night. Now that Aj is standing, moving, etc....this is the best invention-EVER. I received mine as a gift, and i think it's seriously awesome. I heard now that you can get an adapter for your iphone---which is equally as cool, but this one works for me. I sometimes wake up and turn on the monitor (i don't sleep with it on, but i leave his end on all the time, so i can choose when to look in and when not)...and watch him playing with his toys in his crib, talking to himself. This is great...sometimes, they go back to sleep, or sometimes they just sit there for a good 15 minutes until they start calling you to come and get them...either way...this thing is awesome. I am now able to see that he is "OK" without wondering if his arm is stuck in the crib. At first you might think this thing is stupid, but i love the fact that i can move the camera around the room, zoom, and even talk (like intercom). Sometimes, i'm down doing laundry and i can say "Aj, mommy will be right there"...and he will instantly stop after hearing my voice. I read a lot of reviews, and lots of people complained, but mine has worked perfectly from Day 1....and never had any reception issues......ADD THIS TO YOUR REGISTRY.....i promise, you wont be sorry. I like this one because the little monitor is cute and small and you can slip it in your pocket. You can also use batteries in the camera end-which is a PLUS.
Ahh, summer has been great. I've enjoyed having Aj this age 6-9 months in the summer. He's definitely more enjoyable...and able to do fun things at this age. Eat, sit up, crawl, play, laugh...all the cute things! I've mentioned this in previous post, but Aj was a big spitter upper (lol, don't know if that's a word), but we used to have to change him 7-9 times a day...because his t-shirts were always covered in vomit. THis month, he's definitely growing out of that stage (thank goodness!). I always loved Carters brand clothing-so soft and i feel like the size's are true (sometimes). I wasn't a big fan of putting jeans on Aj so he pretty much lived in cute little soft carters shorts and t-shrits. My all time favorite bodysuits for everyday (i call them onesies, but i know this is technically incorrect, because Gerber makes onesies) are the regular white ones. They usually come in a 4-6 pack and are always reasonably priced. I would say these are great---year round and for all ages (well, until 24 months-because they don't make them any bigger than that!). I usually can find them on the Carter's website, and whenever they have a sale, they send me an email and i usually stock up. They do get stained pretty easily- but that's because AJ is a messy eater...and we allow him to explore textures and food with his hands. I don't mind...it's part of being a baby. I purchased the tank top looking ones for the summer and i think they were really great. They wash awesome and the quality is A+. I am thinking of getting them for winter as well, to go underneath sweaters....i like the fact that they don't have arms....and they wont bunch up under clothes. These are a MUST BUY...boys and girls...of all ages and sizes!
A few months back, Aj started using sippy cups (i started him around 6 months, even though he didn't hold it yet). I tried the Dr.Brown's one first (after reading great reviews), but he didn't understand how to suck from it. He would just take the rubber spout and chew on it. So i went out and got him the Nuby SoftFlex Natural Sipper (i got it free, with a $5.00 coupon i received in the mail earlier). They ALL say No-spill, but honestly...it's a BIG LIE! Every single Nuby product i've ever purchased SUCKED (LITERALLY!). I'm going to be honest though...this cup was 'ok' to just transition AJ from a bottle to a sippy....and it was fairly easy. Loved the fact that they had removable handles, which definitely helped him hold it. At first too much water would come out, but then he would get it...and sip slower. I don't give Aj any juices...just water when he's eating, so i don't mind if he gets a little wet from water....at least it doesn't stain and/or leave him sticky. Now that he understands the sucking part, instead of chewing on the tip, he actually understands how to sip from the Dr.Brown's sippy cup, which-DOES NOT LEAK....and is a major improvement. Again, i don't give Aj any juices so this is just used for water...but i like the fact that i can fill it with water and throw in my DB and it wont get all the other stuff soaked...and offer to him when we are at restaurants, etc. Also love that they both have caps!! I'm huge on having the nipples covered and not touching anything else in the diaper bag (or if it falls!)
I would advise you to try to introduce something a little more nipple shapped at first...and then introduce this sippy. Aj loves both cups...and we only have 2 (i hate clutter)!
I also love the fact that Aj can sit with us at restaurants now. He sits in a highchair...and we all know how GROSS those things are. This was a hand me down from my sister in law, but it has come in handy. I don't know where she purchased it, but i think she got it at Marshalls for less than $15...and i use it, all the time. You don't have to get a specific brand...just something that covers your baby from touching, licking, and biting a high chair or shopping cart. A+ in my book...and i might use it until he's 10..LOL, Just kidding (maybe). Mine came with pillow inserts for smaller babies, but we don't use them anymore. It folds up nicely and it's in my trunk of my car. I love it.
Last, but not least (for now) is my stroller. This thing is LITERALLY my best friend. I love it. I get compliments on it..and i just LOVE it. I loved it when i first got it---even without Aj, and now, i love it even more...with him, because it's just-THAT easy, lightweight...and awesome.
I live on the second floor in the 2 family house. I did a lot of research for my stroller---so i know the in's and outs of it. I really liked the CitySelect...but i didn't like the options it had. Britax was always a great name, and after reading review and review about how great their products are...i'm a huge believer. I received the b-agile as a gift from my MIL, and the b-safe car seat from a friend. I used the carseat up until this month and we just recently upgraded him to a bigger seat. (August 28th). THe stroller is only 15 lbs...and opens and closes with the click of a button...the only downside is the storage at the bottom...but i guess, that's not that big of a deal, when you can close a stroller with one hand. I would recommend it to anyone! Great stroller, easy to maneuver and just all around great. I got it in black, but they also have a red-but i believe this year they might be coming out with a bunch of other colors. I liked the black because it was gender neutral, and if i have another baby---we can always use it! i give it 4 1/2 stars because of the small basket.
that's it for now. Any of you have things that you liked for ages 6-9 months?