just thought i'd give a quick review on something that keeps Aj quiet for more than 3 minutes....
and if it keeps Aj quiet/happy for anything LONGER than 1 minute-MOMMY IS a HAPPY camper! I Promise. I am NOW able to use the bathroom---or start the tea kettle, or maybe even eat an apple in the time he is occuipied in this thing!!! And that my friend---is Mommy problems!
Here it is:
the Fisher-Price-Rainforest-Melodies-Lights-Deluxe!!!
For some reason, Aj LOVES this thing. Now, i do have a little bit of a secret...i didn't buy it, and another secret---my mother in law got it---at a garage sale---for 5$! Yep. Best $5 ever spent!!! It came with all the pieces, and i absolutely love it! I would've even spent FULL price---if i would've known it would keep him quiet for that amount of time!
He sits underneath it...and it has a mode where you need to pull the little links to make the song continue...and all i say is "Aj, pull the string!" and he's getting the hang of it!
Ok, that was it, that was my BIG REVIEW! Now, if you have a fussy baby (newborn---around 2-5 months old)...and need to keep him busy, for about 3 minutes, so that you are able to, IDK---maybe USE THE BATHROOM---i would say---this is it!! Keep an eye out at your local garage sales/flea markets---maybe you'll be lucky like Me and get it for $5!

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